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Accordions provide collapsible sections in your content to reduce vertical space while providing a way of organizing and grouping information. All nav-accordion components should be grouped inside nav-accordion-group components.

Basic Usage

Toggle Accordions

Which accordion is open is controlled by setting the value property on nav-accordion-group. Setting this property allows developers to programmatically expand or collapse certain accordions.

Listen for Accordion State Changes

Developers can listen for the navChange event to be notified when accordions expand or collapse.

Multiple Accordions

Developers can allow multiple accordions to be open at once with the multiple property.

Disabling Accordions

Individual Accordion

Individual accordions can be disabled with the disabled property on nav-accordion.

Accordion Group

The accordion group can be disabled with the disabled property on nav-accordion-group.

Readonly Accordions

Individual Accordion

Individual accordions can be disabled with the readonly property on nav-accordion.

Accordion Group

The accordion group can be disabled with the readonly property on nav-accordion-group.


The header slot is used as the toggle that will expand or collapse your accordion. We recommend you use an nav-item here to take advantage of the accessibility and theming functionalities.

When using nav-item in the header slot, the nav-item's button prop is set to true and the detail prop is set to false. In addition, we will also automatically add a toggle icon to the nav-item. This icon will automatically be rotated when you expand or collapse the accordion. See Customizing Icons for more information.


The content slot is used as the part of the accordion that is revealed or hidden depending on the state of your accordion. You can place anything here except for another nav-content instance as only one instance of nav-content should be added per page.


Expansion Styles

There are two built in expansion styles: compact and inset. This expansion style is set via the expand property on nav-accordion-group.

When expand="inset", the accordion group is given a border radius. On md mode, the entire accordion will shift down when it is opened.

Advanced Expansion Styles

You can customize the expansion behavior by styling based on the accordion's state. There are four state classes applied to nav-accordion. Styling using these classes can allow you to create advanced state transitions:

Class NameDescription
.accordion-expandingApplied when the accordion is actively expanding
.accordion-expandedApplied when the accordion is fully expanded
.accordion-collapsingApplied when the accordion is actively collapsing
.accordion-collapsedApplied when the accordion is fully collapsed

If you need to target specific pieces of the accordion, we recommend targeting the element directly. For example, if you want to customize the nav-item in your header slot when the accordion is expanded, you can use the following selector:

nav-accordion.accordion-expanding nav-item[slot="header"],
nav-accordion.accordion-expanded nav-item[slot="header"] {
--color: red;


When using an nav-item in the header slot, we automatically add an nav-icon. The type of icon used can be controlled by the toggleIcon property, and the slot it is added to can be controlled with the toggleIconSlot property.

If you would like to manage the icon yourself or use an icon that is not an nav-icon, you can add the nav-accordion-toggle-icon class to the icon element.

Regardless of which option you choose, the icon will automatically be rotated when you expand or collapse the accordion.


Since nav-accordion acts as a shell around the header and content elements, you can easily theme the accordion however you would like. You can theme the header by targeting the slotted nav-item. Since you are using nav-item, you also have access to all of the nav-item CSS Variables and nav-item Shadow Parts. Theming the content is also easily achieved by targeting the element that is in the content slot.



By default, animations are enabled when expanding or collapsing an accordion item. Animations will be automatically disabled when the prefers-reduced-motion media query is supported and set to reduce. For browsers that do not support this, animations can be disabled by setting the animated config in your Navify Framework app.

Keyboard Navigation

When used inside an nav-accordion-group, nav-accordion has full keyboard support for interacting with the component. The following table details what each key does:

Space or EnterWhen focus is on the accordion header, the accordion will collapse or expand depending on the state of the component.
TabMoves focus to the next focusable element.
Shift + TabMoves focus to the previous focusable element.
Down Arrow- When focus is on an accordion header, moves focus to the next accordion header.
- When focus is on the last accordion header, moves focus to the first accordion header.
Up Arrow- When focus is on an accordion header, moves focus to the previous accordion header.
- When focus is on the first accordion header, moves focus to the last accordion header.
HomeWhen focus is on an accordion header, moves focus to the first accordion header.
EndWhen focus is on an accordion header, moves focus to the last accordion header.



The accordion animation works by knowing the height of the content slot when the animation starts. The accordion expects that this height will remain consistent throughout the animation. As a result, developers should avoid performing any operation that may change the height of the content during the animation.

For example, using nav-img may cause layout shifts as it lazily loads images. This means that as the animation plays, nav-img will load the image data, and the dimensions of nav-img will change to account for the loaded image data. This can result in the height of the content slot changing. Developers have a few options for avoiding this:

  1. Use an img element without any lazy loading. nav-img always uses lazy loading, but img does not use lazy loading by default. This is the simplest option and works well if you have small images that do not significantly benefit from lazy loading.

  2. Set a minimum width and height on nav-img. If you need to use lazy loading and know the dimensions of the images ahead of time (such as if you are loading icons of the same size), you can set the nav-img to have a minimum width or height using CSS. This gives developers the benefit of lazy loading while avoiding layout shifts. This works when using an img element with loading="lazy" too!

  3. If neither of these options are applicable, developers may want to consider disabling animations altogether by using the animated property on nav-accordion-group.



DescriptionIf true, the accordion cannot be interacted with.


DescriptionThe mode determines which platform styles to use.
Type"ios" ๏ฝœ "md"


DescriptionIf true, the accordion cannot be interacted with, but does not alter the opacity.


DescriptionThe toggle icon to use. This icon will be rotated when the accordion is expanded or collapsed.


DescriptionThe slot inside of nav-item to place the toggle icon. Defaults to 'end'.
Type"end" ๏ฝœ "start"


DescriptionThe value of the accordion. Defaults to an autogenerated value.


No events available for this component.


No public methods available for this component.

CSS Shadow Parts

contentThe wrapper element for the content slot.
expandedThe expanded element. Can be used in combination with the header and content parts (i.e. ::part(header expanded)).
headerThe wrapper element for the header slot.

CSS Custom Properties

No CSS custom properties available for this component.


contentContent is placed below the header and is shown or hidden based on expanded state.
headerContent is placed at the top and is used to expand or collapse the accordion item.