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Navify CLI

The Navify command-line interface (CLI) is the go-to tool for developing Navify apps.


The Navify CLI can be installed globally with npm:

npm install -g @navify/cli


The Navify CLI ships with command documentation that is accessible with the --help flag.

$ navify --help
$ navify <command> --help
$ navify <command> <subcommand> --help

Be sure to run navify <command> --help in your project directory.

For some commands, such as navify serve, the help documentation is contextual to the type of your project, e.g. React vs Kdu.


The Navify CLI is built with TypeScript and Node.js. It supports Node 10.3+, but the latest Node LTS is always recommended.


To troubleshoot issues with the Navify CLI, the following may be useful:

  • Make sure the latest version of the Navify CLI is installed. Get the installed version by running navify --version.
  • Make sure the latest Node LTS is installed. See Node & npm environment setup.
  • The --verbose flag prints debugging messages, which may narrow down the issue.
  • Connection issues may be due to improperly configured proxy settings. See Using a Proxy to configure request proxying.
  • The global Navify CLI configuration directory is ~/.navify on all platforms. It can safely be deleted and the Navify CLI will repopulate it, but all configuration (including user sessions) will be lost. Configure this directory with CLI environment variables.